Brad Delashaw

Let me be completely honest, I have no idea what I’m doing. I felt a call to create something that would help others as well as myself A place where I could share my thoughts and hear others. This website is the result of that call to create.

I will never claim to be awake, enlightened or anything of that nature. I am a seeker, a searcher of truth and wisdom, a pilgrim who from time to time along his journey stubbles across useful knowledge, however small it may be.

I’m beginning to realize, and accept, this to be the journey I’m meant to be on. All experiences up to this point have been perfectly placed along my path. It’s time for me, for all of us, to share our experiences and help others find their paths as well.

Me, brad Delashaw

I love photography and have many photos of many things, except of myself. This one will have to do for now.

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