And sometimes duality hits hard!

And sometimes duality hits hard!

Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty, only because there is ugliness. All can […]

Listen and you will hear

Listen and you will hear

I was at the local church yesterday pretty much by myself. I don’t go to […]

The 5 am club

What you need will be provided.

The four resources that will allow you to materialize miracles in the world are your […]

You are Divine!

You are Divine!

There is something powerful about recognizing the divinity in all beings. It has an effect [……

Make a meagniful day

Make a meagniful day.

What should I be doing? How should I spend my time? What purpose do I […]


Attachment – The Root of Suffering

Attachment is the root of all suffering. Think about that statement for awhile. Looking back [&helli…

selfless, selfish, others, caring

Putting others first

Sometimes in our lives an event, or events, happened that knock us off our high […]

Give up your worldly possessions

Give up your worldly possessions

I came across a good read online, The Gospel Of Non-Possession. In it Mahatma Ghandi […]


Your “Bodily Self” – Ego

Buddhism refers to the egoic state as “Anattā” and “Atman“. The Tao Te Ching…



I’ve come to realize breathing is one of the most important aspects of good health […]

barefoot, service, help others

Service to others

 ” the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” […]


When stress overwhelms you

What do you do when stress overwhelms every part of your being?  “The greatest weapon […]

Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge

The beauty of silence

“All the wonders of life are already here. They’re calling you. If you can listen […]

Fork in the path

Keep moving forward.

In life we all follow a path. We may not always know what path we’re […]

prayer gratitude ask

Ask and ye shall receive. Or will you?

Neale Donald Walsch wrote in the book “Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue.” (a…


Some mornings you just want to “huddle under the blankets and stay warm”

This morning it was all I could do to get out of bed. I set […]

Are you awake?

Are you awake?

What does it mean to be awake, or to have an awakening. Depak Chopra says:

Observe the Ego

Observe the Ego

My daughter had a friend over yesterday and I overheard them talking in the kitchen. […]

Let’s talk about pain and duality

Let’s talk about pain and duality

Let’s talk about pain. I mean actual physical pain, the kind of chronic pain one […]

Is physical exercise important?

Is physical exercise important?

In life we have ups and downs. This is the nature of life on earth. […]

You are in this world but not of this World

You are in this world but not of this World

Recently it seems like everything I come across is about who we really are. Everything […]

Let's talk about neditation

Let’s talk about meditation.

With so many types of mediation it can be overwhelming for the beginner to know […]