Make a meagniful day.

What should I be doing? How should I spend my time? What purpose do I have?

These are questions I ask myself constantly that I don’t really have an answer to. I think many of us experience this confusion a good majority of the time.

I’m reading the book “The 5 A.M. club” by Paulo Coelho which describes a method of “owning” your mornings. In a nut shell the method starts with waking at 5 AM every morning then taking that first hour of the day for yourself by exercising, using some time to meditate, contemplate ect and using some of that hour to read, study ect to improve yourself.

I’m trying to implement some of the principles in the book. This morning I was up at 5. I tried to work out for 20 minutes, meditate for 20 minutes and read for the last 20 minutes of the hour. Of course I found that it’s not quite possible to stick to such a rigid routine. I actually didn’t start exercising until about 7:15 which lasted a bit longer than 20 minutes. I didn’t last near 20 minutes in meditation and I lost interest in reading after about 10 minutes.

For exercise I rode a bicycle through the neighborhood and I noticed that there were very few people awake at that time. I think I saw maybe 2 cars. It felt quite peaceful being one of the only few people out at that hour. After doing these activities I prepared some breakfast to eat later and did some dishes in the kitchen, all before any one else in the house was even out of bed.

Then I began to wonder what to do next. This thought lead to more thoughts of what I should be doing, which ultimately led to the thought of; what purpose do I have? Without much direction I tried to find more things to do, all rather trivial. I strummed some chords on the guitar which I hadn’t picked up in several years, but that just reminded me that I am definitely not a musician and that I’m just not able to make “music”. I watched some videos on dementia to try to learn something that may help my dad, or at least help me better understand what he’s going through and how to help him. I walked the dog up the block, or rather let him run beside me while I rode my bike and then tried to coral him when he ran off exploring places.

It’s now 10:00 A.M. and I’m still wondering what I should be doing. I don’t feel that I’ve accomplished anything or that I’ve served any type of purpose. So the question continues in my mind, What should I be doing? Somewhere between these thoughts an idea came over me to come up with a type of routine to “Make a meaningful day.” So I now have a new project, please keep an eaye out for a guide to “Make a meaningful day” on the digital downloads page. Coming Soon!

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